Monday, January 28, 2008

There's no business like Snow business...

Life is so very different with snow instead of wind in the winter, like in sunny SoCal. I get to do different nice things for my Honey, like start her car to warm up in the mornings, and clean all the snow off of it. (Personally, I like the change. I was tired of being sandblasted by the Santa Anna winds every other day.) I know she doesn't appreciate snow the way I do, because I had it when I was a little kid, so it brings back good memories. It was such a big adjustment for her, but I am so glad she suggested we move here.

Most of the year the weather is pretty temperate here. Not usually anything extreme. But it does get all cold and slippery out there. Even with my Honey's professional-racer level driving skills, I worry about her safe transit. Are the roads plowed/salted/etc? Are the others on the road going to drive sanely? (I don't worry about my Honey's driving, her skills are astounding.)

Today didn't seem too bad, but a fresh 8 inches sure did slow foot traffic a bit, and lit looks like fewer people were braving the roads. Actually, I prefer to drive on the snow right after it comes down rather than five days later, packed and melted into sheets of ice. Still, I marvel at my Honey's prowess in driving on it.


Today my Honey brought her new Circle Journal to work with her. I like the whole circle journal concept, where friends and acquaintances will trade off scrapbooking in the same book, sharing their thoughts, ideas, memories, and artistic talents. It's like those e-mails you get from a friend sometimes, answer these questions about yourself, send it back to the person who sent it to you, and forward it to five others...but with colors, patterns, photos, and all kinds of artistic embellishments.

My Honey is really good at what she does, in my humble opinion. Her ability to take a blank sheet, or in this case a blank book, and transform it into a thing of beauty is remarkable. And, of course, her pages are a perfect canvas for her photos. (Some of which are on her blog. Have I mentioned that she's an awesome photographer, too?)

Anyway, the circle journal takes a long time making its rounds (every contributor gets a week to work on their page, I think), so it's going to be a long time until I get to see how it develops. My Honey picked a good theme, but then again she always does. Nothing that's just fluff with her, always something that's got a little substance to it. Like I said, I can't wait to see how it comes out.


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