Saturday, January 19, 2008

I missed her immediately

My Honey is out of town for the weekend. I think I knew the moment she left town, because I started missing her. It was like when we were dating and just hung up the phone. You know how it is, when you were just talking forever about nothing on and on forever, and after several rounds of "you hang up", "no, you hang up"s one of you finally does. And then you just want to call back again.

As the old saying goes, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Why is it that we take our loved ones for granted until they're gone, and then we miss them so terribly. I couldn't say how many times in the last two days I just wanted to pick up the phone and hear her voice. She called tonight to see how things were going here, and I had that same old feeling. . . I just wanted to talk forever about nothing in particular, just to hear her voice, to feel like she was right here with me.

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