Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I know, I know . . .

It's been nearly two months since I've posted... I could say that it's because I was in Summer school. I could say that it's because I was moving. Sure, I did those things, but I could have taken a little while to post to my blog here or there.

It's not from lack of inspiration. My beloved Honey is all the inspiration I ever need. I can't always put into words what she means to me.
She's phenomenal... amazing... wonderful! She is as beautiful as she's ever been. She's cute, sexy, and still every bit the girl I crushed on in Jr. High.

I guess I'm just not much of a blogger. I'm so much of a private person that I find it difficult to speak in any public forum, and I guess that it's something I still have a ways to overcome. I have no problem whatsoever telling anyone and everyone who will listen how much I love my wife. It's just the sharing of my personal life with who-knows-how-many-people might stop here that I have a problem with.


Friday, June 13, 2008

What's right with the world, at least for me :-)

With all the worries in the world today, with everything that is "wrong" with it, I just have to focus on what is right to keep me centered.

Here's a short list of what's right, at least for me:

God's forgiveness. I would have no hope without it...

My wonderful, remarkable, beautiful, awesomely fantastic, and ever-lovin' wife. She is my Honey. I don't know what I would do without her...

Two great kids. A beautiful, intelligent, talented daughter, and a smart, lively, son...

Health, happiness, and all I truly need...

Lookin' at the sunny side :-)

Monday, June 2, 2008

how much is love?

With crystal clarity, doubtless certainty, absolutely present frame of mind, I know to what breadth and depth and measure that my love for My Love truly is . . .
it is depth beyond greatest depth, breadth surpassing greatest breadth,
its measure is beyond any measure of finite Earth or mortal realm . . .

my love for My Love, it is unbounded, immeasurable, limitless . . .

- t.h.

(To the Readers: I wrote this philosophic-poetic piece a few weeks ago, the week before our anniversary, and never posted it. Sometimes I get creative like this. I lost another longer piece which I was more pleased with. I wrote it on a white-board which got erased before I could post it . . . my fault for procrastinating.)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary Honey! :-)

Woohoo!!! Seven years and counting with my beautiful bride. She's beautiful, talented, smart, passionate, and has blessed me with two fantastic kids. She is my one true love. I can't think of anything better than being with the one you really love, and I am. God has been truly good to me by putting us together.

To my amazing, wonderful, most adorable, and ever-loving wife:
I would not trade being your husband for anything. You are my dream-come-true. Being married to you is the realization of my deepest desire. With all that you are for me, I could not ask for more...
Forever and always yours,

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I miss my Honey like Pooh-bear misses honey

Shawna's been gone to a big scrapbook industry convention for for days now, and everywhere I turn, everything I see, everything I hear, I'm reminded of her. Aidan keeps asking when she'll be home. Katrina wishes she could have gone with her (mainly because it's in California).

I miss her voice, I miss her beautiful face, I miss her scent. I even miss doing all the little things she so enjoys, like rubbing her feet and pouring her a Pepsi. I find it hard to get to sleep at night without her presence, I need her so. Sure, for the most part, life has been pretty calm and quiet (especially over the weekend while Katrina was gone, too). But without Shawna's exuberant self, it just seems way too quiet. Right now it feels like it's been four weeks, rather than four days.

She's having fun, and I'm glad for that. She's even gotten to meet a couple big names in scrapbooking. I just hope that the rest of today and all of tomorrow go quickly so I can see her again.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Time is a funny thing

The kids and I have a lot of time this week, since all of us have Spring Break at the same time. But my Honey is a regular Girl Friday for her awesome boss. She's a get-it-done kind of person, who does whatever it takes. Oddly enough, even bouncing between two locations because her boss is away for a bit, my Honey hasn't been gone any more than regular. It's been nice actually having her home at a more predicable time. We've been able to all have dinner together, catch up on our favorite shows, and make some progress on picking up the house (and on a couple favorite video games).

It's odd that this time revelation comes the week we had to spring-forward our clocks, but there it is. Usually the time change doesn't seem to affect my Honey and I much, just having a little bit of trouble falling asleep for a few days, and being a bit tired from getting up "earlier" than we're used to. This time around (I think in part because I've been off of school for Spring Break) we've been sticking to the hours we were used to. It was weird for me to realize that we were staying up until 12:30 am or later. I think I started to feel tired after I realized the clock time, when I was pretty normal before.

I don't think my Honey has been as affected by it. Sure, she sometimes doesn't go to bed until she's already fallen asleep at her computer or in her chair. I often start to get drowsy long before my night-owl Love. There are times it bothers her, and she tells me to go on to bed. It doesn't matter to me. I don't like to go to bed without her, it just doesn't feel right. It's like when she's got a late-night event or when she is away. I just can't go to sleep. I feel like I need her. It's not as simple as just being used to her being there. My Honey is a big part of me, of who I am, what I am, what I'm becoming. I need her. I'm not me without her.

I am so glad to be married to someone so very special.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

What a great relaxing day :-)

Today, almost all day, we just kicked it around at home, just my Honey, our kids, and myself. We tried to go to a great breakfast restaurant, then another, and then a regular restaurant with a decent breakfast menu, only to find that they all had waiting lists going out the door (and a light mist descending all the while). After a frustrating search for a breakfast place, my Honey had the brilliant idea that we should just get donuts, go home, and get cozy. It has been one of the most relaxing days we've had in a long time. Just enjoying each other's company, the plentiful leftovers and snack food, and a great video game we're all stoked about.

It's great to see my Honey relax, she works herself into exhaustion so much of the time. It's in her nature, she won't quit until the job is done right. When she takes a day off, like today, it's good for her to totally unwind. She and the kids spent pretty much all day making funny observations about the game, playing off of one another. It was just an enjoyable day all around.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Fiesta Night!

Now that our cable-TV provider finally has Fox on the line-up again (which I am sure was thanks to the Superbowl being on Fox), we get to watch American Idol as a family again! So tonight, it's a finger-food feast, with some of our darlin' daughter's delicious home-made salsa, chicken three yummy ways (just nuked by hard-workin' daugher as well) and some home-made tortilla strips by yours truly (which I've got to go make right now.)

More later,

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I appreciate...

...my lovely Honey, her creativity, and all that she does for our family;
...our fantastic daughter and her limitless personality;
...our terrific son and his total genuineness;
...this great land we live in (currently blanketed in snow hereabouts) and the opportunities it allows;
...the gifts and talents God has blessed upon each of us.

My Honey had to work this weekend, and I know she is a bit taxed by it, but I know in my heart that the rewards will come. She's putting herself out there at bridal fairs for the community to see what her store can provide. The bridal fairs ought to bring a some business her way, and the exposure ought to bring more. I just hope that it won't be too wearing on her, so that she can enjoy herself a bit this weekend.


Monday, January 28, 2008

There's no business like Snow business...

Life is so very different with snow instead of wind in the winter, like in sunny SoCal. I get to do different nice things for my Honey, like start her car to warm up in the mornings, and clean all the snow off of it. (Personally, I like the change. I was tired of being sandblasted by the Santa Anna winds every other day.) I know she doesn't appreciate snow the way I do, because I had it when I was a little kid, so it brings back good memories. It was such a big adjustment for her, but I am so glad she suggested we move here.

Most of the year the weather is pretty temperate here. Not usually anything extreme. But it does get all cold and slippery out there. Even with my Honey's professional-racer level driving skills, I worry about her safe transit. Are the roads plowed/salted/etc? Are the others on the road going to drive sanely? (I don't worry about my Honey's driving, her skills are astounding.)

Today didn't seem too bad, but a fresh 8 inches sure did slow foot traffic a bit, and lit looks like fewer people were braving the roads. Actually, I prefer to drive on the snow right after it comes down rather than five days later, packed and melted into sheets of ice. Still, I marvel at my Honey's prowess in driving on it.


Today my Honey brought her new Circle Journal to work with her. I like the whole circle journal concept, where friends and acquaintances will trade off scrapbooking in the same book, sharing their thoughts, ideas, memories, and artistic talents. It's like those e-mails you get from a friend sometimes, answer these questions about yourself, send it back to the person who sent it to you, and forward it to five others...but with colors, patterns, photos, and all kinds of artistic embellishments.

My Honey is really good at what she does, in my humble opinion. Her ability to take a blank sheet, or in this case a blank book, and transform it into a thing of beauty is remarkable. And, of course, her pages are a perfect canvas for her photos. (Some of which are on her blog. Have I mentioned that she's an awesome photographer, too?)

Anyway, the circle journal takes a long time making its rounds (every contributor gets a week to work on their page, I think), so it's going to be a long time until I get to see how it develops. My Honey picked a good theme, but then again she always does. Nothing that's just fluff with her, always something that's got a little substance to it. Like I said, I can't wait to see how it comes out.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's good to have her home again :-)

It's been good to have my Honey home again, after she was gone all weekend. She's still been working a lot, but at least an hour in the morning and at least a couple more in the evening is better than no time at all.

She means the world to me. Whenever the phone rings, I hope it's her, just so I can hear her voice. I don't ever want that to fade. She's my wife, but that makes her so much more. She's my the love of my life, my best friend, my closest confidant, my completer. You know how newlyweds will say they hope they die at the exact same moment so that neither one has to live a moment without the other?... Well that's how I feel about my Honey. She just means so much to me in so many ways, and I honestly can't believe that I don't tell her that more.

Today at school I saw someone who looked like one of my high school classmates, and if it was him I would have gone up to him and said, "Hey, you remember that girl we went to school with, S.H.? Well guess what, I married her!" I seriously doubt I'll run in to anyone from my high school up here, being almost 1500 miles away from there, but if I ever do I know I couldn't wait to tell them.

I just love her so much.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

I missed her immediately

My Honey is out of town for the weekend. I think I knew the moment she left town, because I started missing her. It was like when we were dating and just hung up the phone. You know how it is, when you were just talking forever about nothing on and on forever, and after several rounds of "you hang up", "no, you hang up"s one of you finally does. And then you just want to call back again.

As the old saying goes, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Why is it that we take our loved ones for granted until they're gone, and then we miss them so terribly. I couldn't say how many times in the last two days I just wanted to pick up the phone and hear her voice. She called tonight to see how things were going here, and I had that same old feeling. . . I just wanted to talk forever about nothing in particular, just to hear her voice, to feel like she was right here with me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year, and all that jazz!

It's been too long since I've posted. It started with me putting my computer away while cleaning up for Christmas, but that was only for about a week. Oh well. I've really got to make it a habit.

My Honey likes it when I post. I'm not the most verbose of men, though. Like many of us males, I tend not to say things enough. It's not for lack of words, it's for lack of communication skills. It's endemic with us that when we've said something once, we don't think we need to say it again. Tragic! When a man is married to someone as beautiful as my beloved bride, you'd think he would be telling everyone all the time! My wife is indeed beautiful. She's one of those women who doesn't need any makeup, she can go out into the world with a bare face and men take notice. Sure, she does put some on from time to time, and it enhances her beauty so, but I never feel the need to say anything like "why don't you wear lipstick like you used to?" First of all, she never really used to, and secondly her lips have great color and shape without any help.

Her eyes are a marvel of their own. Their shape is lovely, and though her lashes aren't the longest they totally complement her eyes. Her eyes are a lush shade of green, and what is even more amazing is how much life and vibrancy blasts out of them. She is a very expressive person, and when her eyes are smiling my heart smiles, too. No matter how upset I get, if I look into my Honey's eyes when she's smiling it's hard for me to stay upset.

Not only does she have a beautiful face, but she's got curves. Apparently I don't tell her enough, or in the right ways, how attractive I think she is. Different men have different tastes when it comes to women's figures, and my taste is in feminine curves. Boy oh boy, did I hit the jackpot when I married my wife! Hourglass figure, well endowed, you know the type. Only I don't tell her enough, and not in the right ways. She thinks I flatter her only when I'm after something. Well, I'm telling you Honey, which I don't tell you enough, that I think you're sexy all the time! (And I'm sorry my eyes keep going below your neckline, but hey, you know what I like!)

Her hair is another story. I like her hair the way it is naturally, but she has fun with it. She gets it cut and colored and curled. When she went with a lot of blond in her naturally dark brunette hair a while back, it took me a while to get used to. Don't get me wrong, I liked it! I thought she was Hot! This time around, most of her hair went back to it's natural color, but with red and blond streaks. The day she had it done, I was a bit taken aback, but after only a couple of days and the colors softened a tiny bit it occurred to me just how radiant it makes her look. I noticed it the other day when she was getting ready for work. It just struck me when my eyes focused on her gorgeous hair, more of a feeling but if I could put it into words it was "Wow, you look good!"

[I've never gone in for girls who try to be something they're not, like a natural brunette who bleaches her hair to platinum blond (sorry Madonna, but I think you looked your best for "Like a Prayer"), and while I think pink or blue hair may look fun it's not my thing.]

As husbands go, I know I've never been very romantic. I tend to be all too quiet, not showing enough love and appreciation. I wonder if there is a romance boot camp out there for floundering husbands like myself. Heck, I wish there was a drill instructor handy to kick my butt whenever I do or say anything to make her feel like she's not beautiful, or not loved.

Whenever I do mess up, I tend to do the wrong thing and sort-of hide myself away, instead of making it up to her. I'm lousy about that. For instance, if I do or say some idiotic thing to make her feel unattractive, I slink around with my tail between my legs for days, but my withdrawl only makes her feel more that it's true. Now, I don't have the means to buy her a dozen roses everytime I put my foot in my mouth, but I sure as heck know how to apologize. And even though, as I said before, I'm not very verbose... I know that I can certainly try to say something.

For now, I'll just keep on trying,