Thursday, July 30, 2009

Date night with my Honey!

It seems we so rarely get out together, just the two of us. Fortunately, tonight our son is away at a sleepover, and our darlin' daughter is hanging out with her boyfriend's family. Yay! My Honey and I are going on a da-aaaaate! I'm excited! Just the two of us at one of our favorite restaurants.

Gotta run!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy days of Summer

Well, in my case, not so much Crazy. (...and I'm kind-of glad for that...)

I'm glad that things have settled down this summer. The last two seemed pretty crazy. This summer I feel that things are more "normal". Of course, three big differences are:
1)I'm home with the kids [since we're all out of school],
2)my teenage daughter is being given more freedom [and thus doesn't need to try to get away with anything on her own],
3)my 7 year old son has a huge area to play and friends close by [at out last place, the yard was small, and few kids his age lived on our block].
*[The kids and I have too often rubbed each other the wrong way in the past, but so far this summer there has been little friction, and I find that to be a great blessing on all of us.]

Today, my Honey is off of work, so we all get to enjoy this time together [or just cut the kids loose and have some time as a couple]. It just feels great to have this time together, to get to do something special, or just do nothing at all and just enjoy each other's company. For me, just being together is what matters most (if you know anything about "love languages", my primary one is "Quality Time"; having a laid-back nature, then for me that quality time can be spent doing nothing at all, just being together.)

My Honey is often pleased with just sitting around the house and relaxing, but sometimes she gets the idea to go somewhere or do something, and we all get infused with her energy. She's a catalyst, she's always been one of those people that you can feel when they walk into the room, there's just some special kind of spark about her. When she's active, everybody around her can't help but be the same way. If you know her, then you know this is true.

Anyway, back to it being her day off... so far it's quiet and laid-back, but it's still morning. When afternoon comes, we'll see...

;-) t.h.

Friday, May 29, 2009

End of the school year ... Beginning of summer

Well, I'm now out of school for the summer, and the kids are getting out very soon. My Honey has to work, as always. There's no keeping her from doing what she loves.

She's a real marvel to behold when she's working on a project, even if its not hers. Our daughter had a school project she was working on. It was a lot of work, and needed to be done in a short period of time. Darling daughter worked diligently over the weekend, tackling her work with fervor. She still needed help. The kind of help that was right up her mom's alley.

I love to see the passion that comes out in my girls when they get involved in something. They both threw themselves into the project, daughter doing what needed to be done an momma aiding her in that miraculous fashion she has. She teaches scrapbooking and other craft classes, but what her customers see doesn't hold a candle to what she will do for her kids. I can't even describe it. I can only watch in awe.

By the way, the finished product was amazing. It was a children's book, and I personally think that it was almost ready to go to print. I loved the quality of the work.

My wife and daughter, what a winning team! I think there's nothing they can't do!


Now my son, he's got his own reason to celebrate. He's gotten into building Bionicles. This last weekend, he built a set rated for a few years older than he currently is, and not only did he get it done (with a little help from yours truly, seriously I only did about 25 percent of the work), he got to take it to school and show his class. They were wowwed! He's got a good head for building things, and he can really throw himself into his work, too! I think he proved to himself that he can do anything if he puts his all into it.


Monday, March 30, 2009

It's been a looooong Winter!

I don't mean the one with the snow, either. I mean that apparently I've been in hibernation regarding my blog. Well, I'm back now!

I really must apologize for the seven month hiatus.
Apologies especially to my wife, who is my chief inspiration, and my primary subject.

She's been as inspiring as ever, but I've been too quiet and reserved about anything good. I'm trying to keep focussed on the positives now, and keep my mind close to home, instead of allowing myself to get distracted by everything else out there (elections, economy, entertainment, etc.)

My Honey just keeps on going, and going, and going. No, she's not a certain battery-powered bunny, she's way better. She's my Honey-bunny. (I've never called her that before, and I'll probably never get away with it.) Anyway, she's ever her phenomenal self, that special someone who everyone likes to go to. She's just the favorite that way. She's just got that special way about her.

Whoops, gotta run for now...